How to upload custom fields in bulk

  1. Log in to SIMPro and click on Uploads in the navigation menu.
  2. Select New Upload.
  3. Select Custom Fields for ‘Upload Type’ in the dropdown.
  4. Select the following for ‘Save Choice’:
    • Update will update the desired custom fields only (recommended option).
    • Overwrite will replace all information in customs fields, including the blank cells.
  5. Select for Comma [,] for ‘CSV Delimiter’ in the dropdown.
  6. Click Choose file. This will allow you to upload the CSV/Excel file.
  7. Click Go to bulk update SIM’s custom fields.

Please note, you will need to ensure the CSV/Excel file has been formatted correctly.

Upload Format.png

You will be able to download a pre-formatted file in SIMPro as seen below:



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