- Log in to SIMPro and navigate to your Pre-Pay custom tab to find your Pre-Pay SIMs.
- To select a single SIM, click on the ICCID hyperlink and then on the top-up button at the top of the screen:
- To select multiple SIMs, use the tick boxes (or click select all for the entire list) to choose the SIMs you want to top up:
- For multiple SIMs, you will need to click into More actions and select top-up > apply:
Note: To add this button to the main Subscriptions page as a shortcut, click the pencil icon and select 'top-up' from the dropdown list: - Once the top-up offer page has opened, select the desired top-up offer:
- Add an optional reference number and custom field.
- When you are happy with your selection, click the top-up button in the right-hand corner to submit your request:
You will receive an email when the top-up has been completed.
If you experience any issues with your top-up, please contact us via chat during office hours (select the option Order Support) or email orders@wirelesslogic.com outside of office hours.