Statuses used for SIM connectivity

What is a SIM connection status?

Each SIM will have a connection associated with it. When a SIM is activated, the mobile network will assign a MSISDN (mobile phone number) and an IMSI, which uniquely identify the connection and are associated to a SIM. The connection also has a status.

How do I find this information?

To view your SIM’s connection status, log in to SIMPro. Check the Connection status column on the Subscriptions page:


Possible connection statuses

  • Inactive: The SIM is not billable or usable.
  • Active Test: The SIM is not billable but is usable. The SIM will automatically move to Active after it ‘passes’ the test or threshold that was set (e.g. a set period of time has passed or a usage limit is reached).
  • Active Ready: The SIM is not billable but is usable. The SIM will immediately move to Active when it is first used.
  • Active: The SIM is billable and usable.
  • Barred: The SIM is billable but unusable. Bar can be removed by user.
  • Barred approval needed: The SIM is billable but unusable. Bar can only be removed by Wireless Logic via a request.
  • Cancelled: The SIM is not billable and is unusable.
  • Inactive Swapped: The SIM is not billable. It is the old SIM from a SIM swap.

Note: Not all mobile networks support Active Ready/Test. For networks without this feature, it will not be displayed as an option.

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