Why is my ping failing?

Some possible reasons for a failed ping response are:

  • Connection is not established
  • Poor connection
  • Hanging connection
  • Your device has not been configured to respond to a ping

If a ping fails, the big ping will be skipped, so the result will be returned with only two responses for the wakeup and standard ping. A ping will show as failed if the packet loss is over 30%. If the packet loss is between 1% to 29% you will see a warning status instead.

Failed Ping.jpg

What to do if a ping fails?

The best thing to try is to refresh the SIM. Most devices will attempt to reconnect. If a connection is established, another PING can lead to a positive result.

You will need to make sure you have the right role to perform a SIM refresh. Also, your SIM will need to be in an active state and be on a network that supports SIM refresh.

You should also make sure your device is configured to allow ICMP packets through (in and out) to all sources/destinations. If it is not a ping will fail every time.

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