Managing SMS in SIMPro

You can manage a range of SMS actions under the SMS page in SIMPro. The three main options are:

Send SMS

To send SMS, view our guide here.

Inbox/Sent messages

  1. Log in to SIMPro and click SMS > Inbox/sent messages:


  2. The Inbox tab displays which SIM the SMS you received was sent from, the message content and the date received:

    You can use the search box to find a particular SMS:

  3. The sent messages tab shows the details of any SMS you have sent out. This includes sender/recipient, the billing account, the message content, the SMS status, the date sent and more:

  4. The SMS status descriptions tab provides a key explaining any SMS statuses displayed under 'sent messages':


SMS manager

  1. Log in to SIMPro and click SMS > SMS manager:

  2. The manage numbers tab allows you to add/import numbers into SIMPro that aren't part of your Wireless Logic account:

    Picture81.png Click Add/import new numbers and type the numbers into the provided box. If you have a large list of numbers, you can upload a CSV file:


    Add the numbers to an existing or new group and click Import.
  3. The manage groups tab allows you to create new groups and edit/delete existing groups:

  4. The message templates tab allows you to create new SMS message templates and edit/delete existing templates:


If you are experiencing issues with sending or receiving SMS, please refer to our guide here.

For further help with SIMPro, contact to book in for a SIMPro demo.



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