Where can I find outage information?

There are three ways to find out about any planned or unplanned outages in SIMPro:

  1. Log in to SIMPro and click on Help > MNO Outages to view details of any outages.
  2. You can sign up for outage alert notifications to be sent to your email address:
    1. Under Account > Billing Accounts, click on Edit.
    2. Scroll down to the email addresses section and add your email address to the Outages email address box:


  3. Another way to check for outages is to look in the Service status box in the top right corner of any SIMPro page:


    The service status box will change colour depending on the outage:  

    • Green: No issues
    • Blue: Planned maintenance
    • Orange: Unplanned outage.


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