Delivery methods
Our methods of delivery vary depending on the order size and destination address. Our preferred delivery services are either Royal Mail or DHL.
All our deliveries are Delivered-at-place (DAP).
Shipment timescales
Shipment timescales vary depending on the order type and delivery method:
Order type | Timescales |
Royal Mail | Next day |
DHL | 1-2 days transit |
Delivery costs
Pricing is calculated based on current carrier costs. These costs are determined by package weight, size and destination. Wireless Logic delivery charges are separated into SIM or Hardware orders.
These prices are subject to change without notice, depending on carrier charges.
SIM only orders:
UK (under 400) | Royal Mail delivery service | |
SIM quantity | Next day (before 1pm) | Next day (before 9am) |
1–200 | £10 + VAT | £21.50 + VAT |
201–400 | £12.50 + VAT | £25 + VAT |
UK (over 400) | DHL delivery service (1–2 days transit) | |
SIM quantity | Next day (by end of day) | Next day (before 12pm) |
400–3500 | £15 + VAT | £25 + VAT |
3501–5000 | £20 + VAT | £30 + VAT |
5001–10000 | £30 + VAT | £40 + VAT |
10000+ | On request | On request |
Hardware orders:
Items per shipment | Cost (+ VAT) | UK delivery service (next day) |
1–2 | £15 | Royal Mail (before 1pm) |
3–5 | £15 | DHL (end of day) |
6–20 | £30 | DHL (end of day) |
21–35 | £40 | DHL (end of day) |
36–50 | £55 | DHL (end of day) |
51–70 | £70 | DHL (end of day) |
71–80 | £80 | DHL (end of day) |
81–90 |
£90 |
DHL (end of day) |
91–100 | £100 | DHL (end of day) |
101+ | Orders will be scheduled and priced as above per shipment | |
Items | Cost (+ VAT) | International shipping |
All | On request | On request |
As costs are determined by weight, the pricing structure is calculated by the number of items included per shipment.
Hardware items to be counted include routers, antennas and cables.
Note: SIMs and other small accessories do not affect shipment cost when shipped along with routers.
For hardware orders, the cost for delivery will need to be included when creating the Purchase Order.
Please check with our team: if you require a quote for an international order.
Note: Customs charges are not included.