How to perform a Ping

From Windows

  1. Open the command prompt by clicking on the Start menu and type “cmd”.
  2. A black box will appear. Type in “ping”.
  3. If you receive replies, this shows you have an internet connection and DNS resolution.
  4. If replies time out, type “ping” and if that fails, you have internet connectivity issues. If this is successful, then you have DNS resolution issues.
  5. In either case, you will need to speak to your internal IT or ISP to resolve the issues.

From a Mac

  1. Click the Launchpad icon in the Dock. Type "Terminal" in the search field, then click on Terminal.
  2. In the Finder, open the Applications/Utilities folder, then double-click on Terminal.
  3. In the Terminal black box that appears, type in “ping”.
  4. If you receive replies, this shows you have an internet connection and DNS resolution.
  5. If replies time out, type “ping” and if that fails, you have internet connectivity issues. If this is successful, then you have DNS resolution issues.
  6. In either case, you will need to speak to your internal IT or ISP to resolve the issues.
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