How to submit a change of ownership request

  1. Log in to SIMPro and click Help > Support Tickets.
  2. Click Create in the top-right hand corner:

  3. Select Change of ownership from the dropdown list:

  4. Add a ticket subject. 
  5. Using the provided boxes, enter the Current SIM Owner details - company name and billing account number.
  6. Add the New Owner company name, registration number, signatory name and email address.
  7. You will need to include a target transfer date. This is the date where full ownership of the SIM/billing is transferred. Your transfer date must be the first day of the requested month.
    Note: Any previous debt prior to the requested date will be the Current Owner's responsibility.
  8. Provide the details of the SIMs being transferred. Only use the text box if you are transferring the entire account or up to five SIMs. For larger lists, use the option to attach a spreadsheet at the bottom of the form:

  9. If you need to move any SIMPro users over to the new account, list their usernames. 
  10. Add any one-off charges to be transferred if relevant.
  11. Tick the box to confirm you are happy with the change of ownership:

  12. Use the description box to add any additional further details about your request.
  13. Once complete, click on Send.
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