web.direct 2.0 Setup: Link presenation

Link presentation


Please enter your desired name for the web.direct link. This is a required field and it will be displayed as an icon in the portal.

URL alias The URL alias is part of the web.direct URL. It needs to be a unique name for alias-based web.directs. If you apply changes to the alias, there will be a short timeout of up to 5 minutes for technical reasons.
Link display

Defines the format for displaying the web.direct URL. You can choose from following formats:


The web.direct URL is displayed in standard format:
[access][-URLAlias][-access-hash 1][-hash 2]


The web.direct URL is displayed as a combination of ‘VPN name’ and ‘link alias’:
[VPNName][-URLAlias][-AccessHash1][-Hash 2]


The web.direct URL is entered as a combination of Device or access alias, followed by the link alias, access hash and link hash:
[accessAlias or name][-URLAlias][-accessHash 1][Hash 2]

• Alias only  

The web.direct URL is used as the link alias, device alias or device name (if no alias has been configured):
[URLAlias or alias or name]

• Without access hash 1

The web.direct URL is displayed without a hash. (a possibly generated hash is not taken into account):
[Device][-URLAlias][-Hash 2]

1 The Device hash is automatically generated by the system and cannot be customised.

2 These hash settings are made in the template Browser -> mdex Gateway through your in ‘Security settings’ under Hash (Predefined) and Hash generation.



Icon, size and colour of the web.direct link for display in the portal.


More web.direct settings:

Link presenation
Browser -> mdex Gateway
mdex Gateway -> Device




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